Thursday, April 26, 2012

Please excuse me while I have a Jessie Spano Moment

Time, time....there's never any time.....
I'm so excited...I'm so excited....I'mmm soo scared...
And poor Jessie Spanno from Saved By the Bell has an emotional breakdown. She can't even sing with Lisa and Kelly at The Max for the record producer. Screech has to fill in for her. I guess she should have listened to Slater when he told her not to keep taking those caffeine pills. But I can understand, I mean she was under a lot of pressure. She had to be perfect. Good grades, practice for every sport at Bayside and then some,Glee club, a singing career, friends, and a very draining relationship with Slater. That's a lot for any girl to keep up with, don't you think?
Here is a link to a youtube video of this. Classic!!


Alright for those of you who weren't a Saved By the Bell fanatic like I was, overlook the above. I grew up watching that show and will still watch it today if I just happen to be flipping through the channels and come across it and actually have time to waste. Ok, that never happens anymore...but I did watch it occasionally up until about 3 years ago.
That episode just stuck with me because it showed the very real danger of becoming addicted to caffeine (believe me, I am, just not in pill form) and the stress a girl can be under to do it all and do it well. I am there. I feel very, very drained tonight. This week was a wonderful week, but was also very stressful and it is not over yet. Tomorrow is a full day. I have about 101 things to do to get ready for Garrison's Birthday party on Sunday. I have to clean the house, clean the yard, make cake pops, make cookie favors, make marshmallow pops, make "sunny sammies" (PB & J sandwiches in the shape of a sun) and do it all just right, of course.
We did one year portraits, for which I made my very first homemade cake, two layers with real icing in the middle,  that I made and dyed. I decorated with a real live icing bag and tips.It was the party colors of aqua and lemon yellow.  I must pat myself on the back here, I think it turned out pretty well for a first attempt. Here are a couple of the pics Steph took. Wonderful job as always, Steph!!!

Of course, on top of all of this, we just go the results back from the ear culture Garrison had done and it is MRSA, staph infection. I was quite freaked out upon hearing this. It can be quite serious but luckily he has been on antibiotics for some time now even before it was determined to be MRSA, so that is very comforting.

I know the party will be great and everything will come together and we will enjoy it all, but this week's schedule just has me a tiny bit overwhelmed. (In other news, the fact that caffeine doesn't have the effect on me that it does on Jessie Span has me quite underwhelmed.)
This week is going or will go as follows:
T-ball Tuesday night followed by cake making and decorating 101 , Wednesday is Garrison's actual first birthday so rounding up of balloons for pictures, photo shoot with Stephanie, Birthday dinner with the whole family at our house, found out he had MRSA so Thursday went from being a work day for me to a Dr Appt day in Montgomery, Friday turned into a trip to Birmingham with both boys and Chuck to see the ENT, Saturday-Tait's birthday party in the morning, cleaning, baking and candle stick making all afternoon/evening, Garrison's Birthday PARTY Sunday, lots of prep and clean up with loads of fun with friends/family in between , follow up with ENT on Monday, and one last trip to Montgomery to the Dr and T-ball on Tuesday.
Whew, that made me tired just writing it all :)

All of this to say that I feel like I am doing about 100 different things, being pulled in 10 different directions and not doing an of them truly to my best ability. I am spread a little too thin. But, believe me there is plenty of me to go around these days, what with all the dang Birthday cake and icing I have been hoovering  testing. I will call it a week on this Wednesday and start over fresh on Thursday. I vow to not take any caffeine pills, I will only get my caffeine the good old-fashioned way through ice cold Coke and lots and lots of coffee, and to do my best at the truly important things, being a good wife and mother!

My Cup Runneth Over


  1. These are such good pictures of "little brother"!!

  2. Thank you Nikki. I adore them! Great job by Steph, as always.
